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Psychology homework help

3 min read

Question: What is psychology?
Answer: the science of behavior and mental processes

Question: What is the psychoanalytic theory?
Answer: The theory that emphasizes the role of the unconscious drives such as sex and power as well as the importance of early life experience

Question: Who was the founder of the psychoanalytic perspective?
Answer: Sigmund Freud

Question: According to the psychoanalytic perspective, what is the structure of personality?
Answer: id, ego, and superego

Question: What is id?
Answer: pleasure principle

Question: What is ego?
Answer: reality principle

Question: What is the superego?
Answer: moral component, internalizes cultures’ values

Question: According to the psychoanalytic perspective, how is our awareness divided?
Answer: Conscious mind, the preconscious, unconscious mind

Question: What is the conscious mind?
Answer: level of the mind that is aware of immediate surroundings and perceptions

Question: What is the preconscious?
Answer: Thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we are not directly aware of but can easily access through recall and recognition

Question: What is the unconscious mind?
Answer: a part of our mind over which we do not have conscious control that determines, in part, how we think and behave

Question: What are defense mechanisms?
Answer: mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations

Question: What causes a defense mechanism?
Answer: Painful internal conflicts (conflicts between id and superego)

Question: What is the Freudian slip?
Answer: occurs when an unconscious thought is suddenly expressed at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate social context

Question: What is displacement?
Answer: Feelings for a, you give to b

Question: What is projection?
Answer: Something that is true for you, which you believe is true for others

Question: What is denial?
Answer: refusal to accept reality

Question: What is suppression?
Answer: Distracting oneself

Question: What is repression?
Answer: Unconsciously pushing negative thoughts away

Question: What is regression?
Answer: A reversion to immature patterns of behavior.

Question: What is identification?
Answer: Public and Private acceptance of majority influence in order to gain acceptance or to feel as one is a part of something larger

Question: What is rationalization?
Answer: Making excuses for behaviors that are considered unacceptable

Question: What is (over)compensation?
Answer: Overdoing one thing because one lacks in something else

Question: What is reaction formation?
Answer: the transformation of an unwanted thought or feeling into its opposite

Question: What is sublimation?
Answer: Expressing a negative trait in an acceptable way

Question: What is intellectualization?
Answer: The transformation of unpleasant event into a purely intellectual problem with no emotional component

Question: What is the behavioral approach?
An approach to psychology emphasizing the scientific study of observable behavioral responses and their environmental determinants.

Question: What psychologist is associated with the behavioral perspective?
Answer: B. F. Skinner and John Watson

Question: What is the humanistic approach?
Answer: emphasizes a person’s positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose one’s destiny

Question: What psychologists are associated with the humanistic perspective?
Answer: Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

Question: What is the cognitive approach?
Answer: An approach to psychology emphasizing the mental processes involved in knowing: how we direct our attention, perceive, remember, think, and solve problems.

Question: What psychologist is associated with the cognitive perspective?
Answer: Aaron Beck

Question: What is the sociocultural approach?
Answer: An approach to psychology that examines the ways in which social and cultural environments influence behavior.